Exhibition and a Discussion about Religion

I made myself a promise that I will go and see the exhibition held by British Museum in Hong Kong. And today I did.
From this small exbihition, I can tell how great the British Museum is, besides the Cairo Museum I love, British Museum is my second favourite! One day I will go to see the real Museum in England! And this is a new promise made to myself and Kemet Gods and Goddesses!
The items on display are selected from British Museum, and it covers the period from pre-history to later Europe, and geographically it covers the entire world. Although the theme is great, it also means the items will be limited. As a result the whole exbihition only display 250 items. And not all of them are the real treasures from British Museum. Anyway some items did impress me a lot.
First of all is two papyrus from ancient Egypt. They contains the most important religious articles called the Book of the Dead. And the second piece of the Queen's Lyre, it is so beautiful and luxurious but very peaceful. It seems can be played any minute. The last one is a statue dipicted the wine god from Greece. No need to say, he is extremly handsome and pure. The skills of ancient craftsmen is unbelievable.

After the exhibition, I went to see the sea view. When I was sitting one the platform with my friend, suddenly two girls showed up and asked us if they could sit down and talked about religion.
Immediately I realized that they were going to persuade us to convert to Christianity. I smiled and did not say no. God knows why at that time I did not say no!? They began to ask if I have religion, and I said Yes, and I am a heretic. They stared me for several seconds and then looked at me interestingly and surprisingly. But they did not lose confidence to persuade me. They asked why I believe in Kemet, and I said I do not know why. They then wondered what is in that religion, I said something to them, and they asked me if I was confident enough to go to the paradise and I also siad yes. They did not give up, they mentioned the Sin. But I nenver buy the saying that I have sin, and I born to have sin, why?? No!!
I told them I did not but this saying in their religion, and I said religion is a personal affair, no one can intervene. I knew Christianity pretty well, but I never felt I belong there. But they continued saying: only the belief in Jesus can offer me the enterance to paradise, and real purity. Oh, Amun-Re, Jesus again! I do not think he is a god, I consider him always a human being. I am not comfortable worshipping a human as a god. In Islam and Juaism, Jesus is always a man, but in Christianity,he was deliberately made a god. And also I think Christianity is a copy of other religion. In all I would not convert. I tried hard to end this conversation, and I stood frim with my own religion. But this conversation was interesting,hehe.


早上9點我被拽了起來,痛苦啊,我還想多睡一會兒阿。誰讓我答應了要出去呢?吃了個早飯就怕了出去,我看看灰蒙蒙的天,猜測好像要下雨,後悔穿了拖鞋出去,但是我又一想,哪有這麽巧,說下雨就下雨的?! 所以就頭也不回地走了。
儅我們想繼續move on 的時候,天下起了大雨。不過香港的雨也很奇怪,沒有幾分鈡就停了。我發現了一個紅色的郵筒,呵呵,現在可很少見啊,應該有一定的年代了吧?
我們按照地圖走過了一條長長的乾貨街,街道很窄 ,典型的香港式,滿街的乾貨味道,我實在不喜歡。走過街道,我發現我們lost了,好在朋友的方向感不差,一回就走上的正途。藥材街,古董街,文武廟,蘭桂枋,教堂。。。走了好多地方。我好嬾的,也不想一一描述,有興趣的朋友來香港自己看吧。
本來真的就要回去了,但是我突然想起來星期5答應了德語老師到理工大學幫忙的,她說要be nice,但是我只有正裝,而且我也想換條西裝裏面的襯衫,所以我們就接着逛了下去,果然我找到了一條竪領的代花邊的襯衫,很喜歡,穿着也很合身,就買了下來,這件襯衫就算不穿西裝也可以的,哦哈哈哈。就這樣,我就決定了我星期5的穿着:超高跟皮鞋+牛仔褲+花邊襯衫+西裝。

Life Record-My Desk

This is my desk, from up tp down, from left to right. All important things werephotoed here. It is interesting, and is a record of my life.


這個星期4我就要開始一門新的語言課了,日語,本來以爲這個學期沒有機會了,但是Thank Amun-Re,我奇跡般的從waiting list跳到了registered,哦哈哈哈。有朋友問我:廣東話,英文,德文,再來一個日語,你承受得住嗎?這就讓我想起了德文課本上的一句話:so viele Sprachen du kannst, so viele Male bist du Mensch. 不管承不承受得住,先拭一下再説啦。

Joy? Sadness?

I was rushing through my collection of pictures of ancient Egypt. Suddenly I felt a slight trace of sadness. It appeared out of nowhere, but I can feel it so clearly like I can feel the blowing of wind. Why? I asked myself, no answer…

Looking into the darkness of night, I tried to search the history of ancient Egypt and me. Unfortunately I have no clear idea of how I fell in love with it. But I do know that I love it. Now ancient Egypt is my love, my power, my pursuit, my pain and maybe my destiny.

I am glad that I found ancient Egypt, and in turn it did change my life trace. Without it I can not imagine what I am doing now. Sometimes I even think maybe I was an Egyptian far, far away in the past. For me it is so natural to see the paintings, the buildings, the belief, and even those mummies. I even can not remember since when I began to search and collect things related to ancient Egypt, even just a little relation.

There was a saying which regarded serious interest as mental illness. I do not know whether or not it was true, but I do not care, instead I am happy to have this illness. Once at a dinner my uncle told me that maybe ancient Egypt is the hidden power which is influencing me, and I think it is true.

Why is she so special?! I wanna be like her, and experience the same like she did!
She was really blessed by Egyptian Gods.
She escaped from death, then fell in love with ancient Egypt.
She claimed herself as a priestess of Isis, she studied under an Egyptologist,
She saw the reappearance of Sety the First, she talked to him.
She was loved by a Great Pharaoh, she believed ancient Egyptian religion which I am too.
She worked in Egypt and also lived there,
She could enter all the temples without limitation,
She could sleep with Sety and my beloved Ramsses.
She could drink wine with them.
She could die in Abydos!

I am so jealous about her life, and her experiences, I wish I could have the same, but I have been already lucky enough, to be blesses by Egyptian Gods and Goddess! Thank Amun-Re!!



一大早8點我的多拉A夢開始拽我起床,不過這只貓一向來就很失敗,從來沒有成功過,相反我今天又成功的在床上多呆了30多分鈡,要不是還有3個小時的德文 課,我可真的想一睡解千愁啊。跌跌撞撞的爬起床,踫到了從德國來的厠友,一句Gute Morgen!就鑽進了廁所。她也開始洗澡。早晨那早晨。。。

洗漱之後吃了早餐,就爬向教室。 面對着看了一年的同學,麻木中。只有我們新來的德文老師還讓我來點勁。儅我第一次看到她的時候,她看上去好兇,我預感到我的Year 2將會多麽的miserable,但是我錯了,老師還是很風趣的,至少要比我們可愛的印度老師Tushar上課來的有趣。可能是早上喝了一杯Kaffee 的緣故,不到一個小時,我就覺得我需要上厠所,但是無巧不成書,老師偏偏要開始做聽力,走不掉了。我凴着我的意志力奪堅持了半個小時,可是老師還是沒有要 break的跡象,我的極限快要到了,説什麽我都沖了出去,人有三急嘛,哦哈哈哈。。。吃午飯之前又遇到了我的厠友,突然有一個idea出現了,我操起我 的粗糙德語,問她想不想去11月的啤酒節,她說:gern!呵呵,有個德國人一起去啤酒節應該會很不錯的!

上完課,本來一天的可就沒有了,但是這個星期我們department偏偏又有兩次seminar,逃不掉。我們的帥哥德國老師阿Hess親切的對 我們說:你們兩次都要來!T-T god knows how boring those seminars will be!?這不,我又凴着我巨人的毅力堅持了兩個小時,其間來自英國的學者滔滔不絕的講着歐盟的形成,我卻心思亂飛,罪惡阿,一點也沒有get到中心思想, anyway,我猜想應該是關於commem market的。

回到宿舍例行公事給媽媽打電話,告訴她我想洗牙,沒想到我媽媽堅決反對,她強調說,洗牙會把一層保護膜洗掉的,看來我的90HKD要飛走了。之後我想我媽 抱怨,ATM吃了我300塊錢。本來想拿點錢,沒想到這破機器扣了我的錢卻沒有把錢吐出來,看來我星期一要向銀行把錢拿回來了。。。埃。。。生活真的一波 接着一波,沒完沒了。

圣咏Elbosco----Angelis 天使

My new music album is from Spain.

Elbosco was the name of a joint Spanish musical group that achieved world success with the song Nirvana in 1995.

The group consisted of the boys choral group of the Escolanía del Real Monasterio of San Lorenzo, with boys between 9 and 14 years old along with adult instrumentalists and soloists. In 1995, the group released the disk Angelis, with the hit song Nirvana which was used by Danny Boyle in the film 'Millions'. The music, a mixture of Gregorian chants with hip-hop and techno, with a mixture of Latin and English vocals, attained international fame. They also released a Portuguese version of the disk with the same title. The group mixed classical music, boys chorus and synth generated sounds, resulting in a sound similar to that of Enigma.

In the monastery, 100 boys are selected for their musical talent and presented in white robes.

Since the arrival of Elbosco, several similar groups arose, but did not attain the same success as Nirvana.

the Search for Omm Sety-Sety was wandering as Akh?

According to the secret diary of Omm Sety, one night of 1972, the long gone Sety was coming to Omm Sety and he lay down besides her, and put his arms around her. They talked something unbelievable. Omm Sety invited Sety to tell the near death experience. And Sety did, he said: the feeling was wonderful, just as you feel your Akh is released from your body. But one's thoughts and feelings remain the same." Sety saw his surroundings: his lileless body, his son Ramsses, and his daughter was crying bitterly. Then he went to the judgement hall which was in the religion and myth of ancient Egypt. At last he told the story of searching for the reincarnation of his beloved girl( now Omm Sety), and he crossed the time and saw many strange places and things.
Is this true that a spirit from ancient times really could go beyond the time and come to us? Is it true that all the myth and Egyptian religion state the truth of life and death? Is that true that Omm Sety was really a reincarnation? Is her story true?
There are so many "is that", I wish Omm Sety could personally tell me her experience and maybe she and Sety, I wish she could be alive now.
I have to continue the book, I am sure I will have more discoveries, and more surprises.

Jesse Mccartney

Jesse A. McCartney (born April 9, 1987) is an American pop singer and Daytime Emmy-nominated actor. McCartney initially came to fame in the early 2000s, as a member of the boy band Dream Street, and subsequently branched out into a solo career, having appeared on the television series Summerland and released two music albums, Beautiful Soul and Right Where You Want Me.

Remind Me Again

Remind me again---
together we trace our strange journey,
find each other,
come on laughing.
Some time we will cross where life ends.
We'll both look back as far as forever,
that first day.
I will touch you---
a new world then.
Stars will come a different way.
We will both end.
We will both begin.
Remind me again.

Enternal Love of Sety 1st

Finally I got this excellent book which is about the life of an extraordinary woman who believed in herself that she was a priestess of Isis in ancient Egypt.
And about this women:
(from one of my blog article)

"Dorothy Eady who was known as Omm Sety: the Mother of Sety. I remember that the first time I came across this lady was during my reading of an ancient Egyptian book. But few years later, I totally forgot her. With some unknown reasons, I suddenly wanna know her now. So I checked the internet for some info about her, because the memory about her in me was too blur. To my great surprise, there is little info about her. I tried my best, the only info I got was a summery.

She was born to an ordinary Irish family and she seemed, too, ordinary. But after an accident in her childhood: falling off something...her life was completely changed, after she woke up, she claimed she wanna go home, and that was Egypt. More surprisingly was that she told people that she was the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian priestess of Isis during the reign of Seti 1st.What's more, in her previous life, she did have physical relationship with Pharaoh Seti.
When she grew up, she went to Egypt and married an Egyptian man and produced a son who was named after the Pharaoh Seti 1st. That is why she was called Omm Sety. Omm Sety had extremely rich knowledge about the history during 19th Dynasty, and Seti. Her knowledge astonished many Egyptologists, in some cases, she could accurately pointed out the location of the garden in the Temple of Isis, where now only ruins left. And she could stated clearly the process of rituals in ancient times. Omm was counted as a very convincing example of reincarnation. Here is a link about her: Point me "

During my reading of this book, I found something unbelievable jet convincing. Some people, most of the people are doubtful of the fact of reincarnation, but yet, there was a case of Omm Sety, she did claimed the existence of reincarnation and also she was amazing. So maybe there are some magic powers that are unknown to us.

Today I read some beautiful words about the story between Pharaoh Sety and Omm Sety.
Once upon a time there was a sacred place in ancient Egypt which was called Abydos. And there was a peerless temple built by Sety dedicated to the great God Osiris.And Omm Sety was a priestess of Goddess Isis. Besides the temple there was a huge garden with a lotus pool. Alone the pool were planted many trees and flowers. One day when Bentreshyt( the previous life of Omm Sety) was picking flowers in the garden, Pharaoh was just coming by and saw Omm Sety. She was beautiful with blond hair and blue eyes, her blood was not pure Egyptian. When she made a clumsy gesture to show her respect to Pharaoh, Sety laughed and called her over to him.
This was so beautiful and romantic, I always imagined how it would be when Ramsses smiled, was he handsome? Was he manly? Omm Sety said that Sety was extremely handsome and attractive, even in his fifties, now I am sure about my beloved Ramsses, it is so nice to know!
Then things went smoothly, Pharaoh fell in love with with girl, and the girl too attracted by Pharaoh. But in ancient Egypt, priestess was not allowed to be touched by anyone, even the Pharaoh, in order to save Sety from breaking to law, Omm Sety committed suicide. When Sety heard about the news, he siad: I will never forget you!" And he did!

3000 years later...According to Omm Sety's diary,Sety came to her when she returned to Egypt in 19ths. This is unbelievable, but...yet believable. Sety held her in his arms and talked with her about his near death experience and the journey through death.

After reading I was wondering if the religion of ancient Egypt did involved some hidden power? How could this happen? Sety came back to 19th century? And found the reincarnation of Omm Sety??

My New Body Care

I spent nearly three hours wandering in a shopping centre, trying to get some clothes that will fit me. But I didn't have satisfaction with me when I walking out the Unico. Originally I did not want to go further more, but I remembered suddenly that recently there was something wrong with my face,maybe because my overeating...So I walked in to a body care shop. Normally I do not spend any of my momey on those products, but this time I got really badluck,those little things kept coming out from my face, and no trace of stopping. I was forced to do something!
Oh Amun-Re!
My roonmate recommended me a product which is effective with those little things, and I decided to give it a fly. I spent 65 HKD on this tiny bottle of tea tree oil. I said to myself: that is all! When I turned around and was ready to leave, a saleswoman began to introduce a bath and shower gel product to me, I was going to say no, and was considering how to reject. But.....I immediately heared a word lotus smell! What?! that is my favourite. That is the flower of Egypt and ancient Egypt! Thank Amun-Re.
Several mounths ago I desired a perfume called the Garden of Nile produced by Hermes. But for me it was to expensive, and it had noway that I could afford it. So I had to quit. But this time...ohahaha when the saleswoman tried some on me, I was persuaded to take my momey out of my pocket. At last I also bought one bottle more, the white bottle, also lotus smell. Anyway they are not expensive as that perfume.

Meine Heimat

Meine Heimat ist in der Vergangenheit. Die ist nicht mehr da.
I ch komme aus eine kleine Stadt. Als ich ein Kind war, habe ich in meiner Heimat viel Spass gemacht. Aber jetzt sieht die kleine Stadt verschiedene aus. Heute hat die Stadt zu viel Leute. Es gibt zu viel Verschmutzungen. Der Fluss ist nicht mehr sauber, die Haeuse sind hoch. Die Luft ist nicht frisch.
Aber ich habe mich immer daran erinnern, dass meine Heimat fuer mich ein Paradies ist.
Als ich klein war, gab es einen ziemlich sauber Fluss. Ueber dem Fluss gab es drei Steinbruecke. Im Sommerferien habe ich mit meiner Familie im Fluss geschwommen. Manchmal habe ich mit meinen Freunden entlang den Fluss gespielen. Das Best war, im Fruehling habe ich mit meinem Vater ueber dem Feld Drachen gespielen. Ueber dem Feld war hellgelb Blumen. Damal mag ich die Natur, und ich Moechte immer in der Natur sein. Manchmal blieb ich gern bei meiner Grossmutter. Sie hat ein sehr grosses, altes Chinseses Haus. Nach der Schule bin ich ganz schnell zu Grossmutter gelaufen und mit meinen Freunden " hide and seek" gespielen.
Meine Heimat ist die kleine Stadt, die immer in meinem Gedaechtnis bleibt.

Eternal Love-Osiris and Isis

Sing we Osiris dead,
Lament the fallen head:
The light has left the world, the world is gray.
Athwart the atarry skies,
The web of darkness flies,
And Isis weeps Osiris passed away.
Your tears, ye stars, ye fires, ye rivers, shed,
weep, childern of the Nile, weep for your lord is dead!

Softly we tread, our measured footsteps falling
within the sanctuary sevenfold;
Soft on the dead that liveth are we calling:
"Return, Osiris, from thy Kingdom cold!
Return to them that worship thee cold."

Within the court divine
The sevenfold sacred shrine
We pass, while echoes of the temple walls
Repeat the long lament
the sound of sorrow sent
far up within the imperishable halls,
Where, each in other's arms. the sisters weep,
Isis and Nephthys, o'er his unwaking sleep.

Softly we tread, our measured footsteps falling
within the sanctuary sevenfold;
Soft on the dead that liveth are we calling:
"Return, Osiris, from thy Kingdom cold!
Return to them that worship thee cold."

O dweller in the west,
Lover and lordliest,
Thy love, thy sister Isis, calls thee home!
come from thy chamber dun,
thou master of the sun,
Thy shadowy chamber far below the foam!
With weary wings and spent
through all the fragment,
through all the horror-haunted ways of hell,
I seek thee near and far, from star to wanderintg star,
Free with the dead that in Amenti dwell.
I search the height, the deep, the lands, the skies,
Rise from the dead and live, our lord Osiris, rise!

My Uni Life

The third year of my Uni life in Hong Kong. Yesterday I was going to Hong Kong, bang! I habe been in Hong Kong for two years, what I have done? What I am going to do? Sometimes I think about those questions, but the fact is that I always focus on the things coming in one or two weeks. I think I really need a long term plan. I have promised myself to realize my Egyptian dream, I can not let it go!! Amun-Re!

People outside the uni dream the life inside uni, but actually, I do not think there is any difference between two groups. People outside are busy with their making momey, making life better, we too, are doing our best to create a somehow better future. People all are fighting with the present time for the future time.

Did I go too far of judging my uni life?....I just had a floor meeting with all new guys this semester. I am lucky to have a chance living in the Internet floor, most of our guys are from all over the world. And I have further luck, we have 5 Germans this semester, maybe I will get more chance to practise my German, beside my toilemate is also from German, ohaha:> Thank Amun-Re!

While I was writing my blog, I was enjoying my new favourite musik from Germany. It is a New Age Musik stype, and quite good! And I do not know why, those strong , dark, mysterious musik really attracts me.

And I realize that Germany does produce excellent musicians.

Tomorrow I have to repeat what I do every day, get up, go to class, the difference is that the three hour German lessern is always the most exciting class. But I found that since I got back from German, my German is notvas good as that I had in Germany, maybe I do not have the environment here. Because in Geramny I was forced to use German everyday, even as long as 6,7 hours, but here although I have lesserns, I have rear chance of pratice. Maybe I have to try harder!

My Whole New Lesen

A week past since the begining of my new semester. This semester I have a brand new topic of European Study, Germany. That means I have to understand the development of Germany. At first I had little interest in the history of Germany, because I think there is nowhere special except the part of Hitler. However after the first class I found that this year will be exciting and challenging.
The main purpose of this course is to understand the interesting way of development of Germany compared to the countries like France.The history of Germany is not that smooth, but quite unique and hard.
How to pu this? At first Germany was called the Holy Roman Empire, but the emperor held no actual power, the nation was in a loose confederation. After the collapse, Germany adopted no democracy, yeah...there was revolutions, but they did not succeed in establishing democratical power. Later was the second Empire built by Bismak, the third one was by Hitler. What my Prof trying to do in this course is to prove that the German had and have the cultrue of democracy, the reason why those empires and Hitler came to power lied not in cultural reason, but others. He will exam those reasons.
But I am doubtfull, I think Germany do has a culture differed from France, the people in Germany sometimes hope the appearance of a strong leader, especailly in crisis. Some famous historians, too think in this way. Even the witnesses in the government of Hitler regarded the reason why Hitler came to power was the hope of German people.
Maybe Hess will convincing me, who knows, just go and see and learn.

Mein Neue Lieblings Musik

Ich mag New Age Music, das bin ich sicher, besonders mag ich Enigma und Era. Manchmal hoere ich auch die Pop Musik, aber die finde ich schlecht.
During the summer break, I found something new for myself. Some Indian style New Age, one group is called Rasa, and the other is from the musician called Prem Joshua. I really .like those musics, I am sure I am absorbed by them. They are mysterious, remote, peace...beyong expression, or maybe my Eng is too bad to describe them.

RASA'S MUSIC is based on Indian devotional songs from the Vaishnava tradition. Many of India's finest writers have provided songs in praise of God or expressed a yearning to be closer to the Divine- a desire that has inspired many artists, from many cultures, for many years.
Combining these songs with their unique arrangements, RASA has developed a sound that is soulful, respectful of the traditional sources, and very accessible to a western audience. Their music blends meditative, transcendental, and ethereal qualities into an elegant, contemporary style.

here is the list of their albums.

the British Museum Comes to Hong Kong

Super great news, there will be an Exhibition in Hong Kong Museum of Art whose treasures are form the most great museum-British Museum. Since so far I have no change of going to England, it will not hurt to see an Exhibition earlier. Besides Featuring about 270 artifacts including sculptures, paintings, jewellery, porcelain and stone artifacts that have been collected from five continents of the world by the British Museum since it was founded in 1753, this exhibition covers a vast span of time from 2 million years ago to the present day. Diverse cultures including ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece, as well as artistic styles of European, African, American and Asian art are explored. Highlight items include an Egyptian wooden mummy-board “The Unlucky Mummy” of the early 22nd dynasty, about 945 BC, a 13th century Egyptian brass “Astrolabe” with silver inlay, a marble Roman statue of Dionysos of 2nd century, a “Queen's lyre” from about 2600-2400 BC found in the Royal Cemetery at Ur, and a walrus ivory chess-piece made in about 1150-1200 and found in Scotland.
Thank Amun-Re.


Life is really not that easy, every one is trying his best to live better, but some times, misfortune follows u all the way. The only thing , I think I can do is to smile back, and try even harder.
Amun-Re bless me!