My small trip My small memory

Wuzhen, no matter how many people have heared about this name before, is a small, small town located in southeastern China. I t is so small that it just takes 15 minutes to finish a walking around. And the most famous sight in Wuzhen is the well-presevered street which remain the sight of maybe 50 years ago. A little river, along which stay hundreds hundreds of houses, goes straight.
I used to go there frequently because my relative works there, he is a photographer. And I enjoyed walking along the river without time limitation.

Especially in winter, when I go there, few people sould be seen, and this little area seems colder than the actual temperature. Sun shines, but no feeling of warm. And I think this is the charater of southeastern China, it is always cold, not that dry cold but a kind of wet cold, and this make people feel colder.

Little streets, little, vert little. And a feeling again: cold. Sometimes I think that this will be a perfect place for the spooky film.
But anyway, if someone never come across the so-called southeastern Chinese towns, it is a very good chioce.

28.Jan Meine Tagbuch

Diese Tagbuch ist am 28 Jan, ich will schnell machen, aber......

Heute ist Sontag. Wie gewöhnlich habe ich langsam aufgestanden. Ich habe die Uhrzeit gefunden. Es war zu spät für ein Frührstuck. Dann habe ich yu Mittag gegessen. Ich glaube, das Essen in der Uni ist sehr schlecht. Es gefällt mire überhaupt nicht. Aber ich habe etwas essen müssen. Nach dem Essen habe ich meine Hausaufgabe machen wollen. Aber ich weise, manchmal kann ich nicht sehr gut meine Arbeite aufpassen. Plözlich habe ich die Filme gefunden. Sie heißen: "Life is beautiful" und " the Pianist". Die beiden Filme haben eine Geschichte über Nazi gesagt. Aber die Filme sind ein Kontrast. "Life is beautiful" ist mehr positiv, aber " the Pianist" ist negativ. Ich habe viele Filme über Nazi angesehen. Nach den beiden Filme, ich glaube "Life is beautiful"sehr kreativ. Selten hat ein Film über Nazi gleichzeitig interessant und traurig. Guido ist sehr optimistisch und speziell. Er sieht alles shöne. Diese Natur helft ihm und seiner Familie, besonders seinem Sonn. Seine Bekannte Satz: God morning, Princess!" gefällt mire sehr. Aber ich finde " the Pianist" einbischen konservativ, wie Schinder's List. Aber Schinder's List ist besser und gefällt mir besser.

And here is the website about the panist:

Athrun...Your Dream Can Fly

To be honest,
I can not remember when I met you,
But I know,
You are always my focus throughout the Seed and Destiny.

You are bloodred,
Your determination of protection shocked me,
Your mother died in that event caused by the Natural,
And you decided to join the army,
Not for revenge, but for protection,
To protect people who desire peace and prosperity,
To protect the world that is tired of war.
You are not God,
You confused, you hesitate, you fear,
But every time,
You join the battlefield without hesitation,
No matter how many hurts you have,
You know your power that can save people from war,
You know this is the only thing you can do as a warrior,
Your Justice is filled with your belief and determination,
It is not a killing machine but is a statement declares peace.

You are deep blue,
I can seldom see your smile,
Do you know how beautiful your smile is?
Seems most of time, you are thinking…thinking…
I know you want to do something for the world,
But you are restricted by army, by Obu, by friends,
I know you love your country, love your friends,
You respect ideas of your friends,
However, you want your own way,
But you know what,
This desire always bring you to trouble,
Even sometimes threaten your life.
You wanna protect, so you live in pain,
But you grow in pain, and become stronger.
I believe you can find your way,
I believe your dream can fly.

Trip Around the World--Macau

Last Easter holiday, I went to macau for a short trip. From HK to Macau, it was indeed very convenient, I firstly took a bus from Kou Long Tawn to Tzin Sha Tsui, and then I took the boat, it took me just about one hour or so to get Macau.
When I arrived in Macau, I immediately set the first place to visit, the most famous sight in Macau--the Dasanba.
Those are the pics I took from that sight:

This wall is located on a samll "hill" I think, the day I went there, there were considerable number of people, I forced my way to get a better angle of taking photos. So sometimes when I was making trip, the most common situation I would come across was the flowing of enumerous heads, I was confused that whether my trip was for seeing the haeds or the sights. I believe it is the sadness for travellers. Okay, get back to the Dasanba, if there is no statues or any decorations on the wall, there will be no value...Joking:> The fact that the attractions in Macau are in fact the trace of colony. But any way this wall is beautiflly decorated, and the satues are vivid.
After the Dasanba, I visited a church called the Rose Church:

Like I said above, if this church had no history of colony, it will be a simple memory of the expansion of Christianity. Well when I entered this church, I felt warm and...nothing else. I have no special feeling about this religion, so for me, nothing is contagious.
Steped out I went to the museum, again a similar feeling went up. I strongly felt that I entered the History Museum in HK, well it must be some different. The most exciting thing for me was that I found a copy of Rosatta Stone in the museum, but I did not what the relationship between this stone and Macau is.
Any way, one day trip ended in my extreme long sleep after the visit.

Look at this picture, it is the Hong Kong's sunset. One day, I saw this beauty from my window, and I quictly took it.
Carefully feel it, I can taste the peace at that moment, this city was about to sleep. But Hong Kong will never sleep. It was about to open up a paradise for people who desire a exciting life.
Several years ago, when you asked me about this pic, I will definitely be attracted, because I do not know much about HK, now I will say: Oh just so so.
To be honest, I never dreamed of coming to HK and study, maybe it was asked by Kemet Gods, I believe so. And I was starting to understand HK, its place, its people, maybe not all aspects, but I am sure there are many aspects that I have come across. I realized that there was only one pic I can take and this is the one above. Everytime when I am watching TV and the sight I can see about HK is just taken from the bay, the difference is whether you take this pic day or night. So when I begin to look other pics from different places of HK, not only the crowded streets but also small one that neglected by people. I figure out that HK is normal.
Yes, some one will say that when you do not know this place and you will be attracted by its appearance, however, once you live there, you will know a lot about its inside.
As a traveller, HK will never be the place I dream of.

The Greek World

Paul Valery once said that:" all people and all lands which were in turn Romanized, Christianized and subjected-at least mentally-to Greek discipline, are thoroughly European…Everywhere where the names of Caesar, Caius, Trajan, and Virgil, everywhere where the names of Aristotle, Plato and Euclid have simultaneously held meaning and authority, that is Europe.”
When people, both inside and outside Europe, talk about the features of Europe, the most characteristic words must be the ones used above,” that is Europe.” Greek civilization played and plays such an important role in Europe history and even today, that it can be considered as one of the pillars of building up the European identity.
“Europe is a world of historical references and memories shared by all Europeans who draw sustenance from these teachings.” I think this is partly why the Greek heritages are still important for the formation of European identity.
Europe is heading forward from past with her great diversities: different languages, various traditions, opposing opinions. Conflicts are everywhere, so Europe needs a tie that can bound all Europeans together,not all maybe most people together. And the Greek heritage is the tie that Europeans are looking for. The heritages are crucial, without them, the foundation of Europe can not be the same, without them, people in the future Europe will not regard Aristotle, Plato and humanity as their social and mental foundation.
Greek legacies shaped and are shaping the various aspects of Europe.
Long time ago, Europeans already considered themselves as independent and intellectual entities, like the Greek ancestors, who carried out the Persian war against the despotism, they were free man on the earth. The ancient Greeks had the desire of being equal and free, for them, this was the basic condition to live in a society. When compared the arts from ancient Greece to these from despotism countries at that time, distinctive differences can be found. The figures from ancient Greece have their own characteristics, they are not the same and not systematic. Instead, they have various expressions, recognizable gestures. The style of ancient Greece reflects the basic idea of being individual and having its own characteristics. Today, not only the style of this art is inherited by Europeans, everywhere in Europe can people find painting and statues in Greek style, but also, more importantly, the fundamental ideas of freedom which will continue be the basis of all Europeans.
Maybe because of this free atmosphere in ancient Athens, people wanted the political equality. This gave birth to the democracy. Although, democracy at that time can not be considered ideal and also can not be compared to modern day democracy. But it was the Greeks who were the primary mover of the democracy. Later Europeans learnt the idea of Greek democracy and also the rule of law. And today, all Europeans regard this political system as the most basic feature of Europe.
The most dazzling treasure from ancient Greece is her philosophy. Although in history, Plato and Aristotle held the opposite views, it was the fact that they laid the foundation of modern day western philosophy. It is this treasure that teaches people in Europe to be rational, to be social responsible, to find a way that can both fuse the body and soul, and it is their philosophy inherited by Europeans that unified the way of thinking and doing things. The power of philosophy can not be ignored; it was and is the forceful means to build up the European identity. Like the doctrines created by ancient Chinese scholar called Confucius, his ideas were taught throughout history countless times, therefore, Chinese partly tend to solve problem using similar ways and thinking. And people see others doing things the same way then they will feel that: oh, we are the same.
The same way, the philosophy from ancient Greece was taught and is teaching in school, Europeans will certainly consider they are in the same group.
The treasury of ancient Greece has more to be explored and inherited.
It istheir idea of beauty: representing human beings and even Gods individually and naturally, that spread all around the Europe, it is their literature: Iliad and Odyssey that form the foundation of European literature, it is their dramas which are still hot on the stages of Europe.
In short, the powerful civilization created by the ancient was and is inherited by Europeans. And the ideas have already penetrated into the aspects of life in Europe, without them, the looking of Europe must be very different.
Ancient Greece was the past, but in Europe, the past comes alive.

The Allegory of the Cave

It took me nearly two-week-time to both read and understand the masterpiece- The Allegory of the Cave, which was written by the Great Philosopher Plato. Now I feel that without certain capacity of dealing with these deep thoughts, it is extremely difficult for the commoners to understand.
Let’s first talk about the content of this story: several chained man were in a cavernous chamber underground, with an entrance open to the light. They were so strictly bounded that they could hardly move their heads. “At some distance higher up was the light of a fire burning behind them, and between the prisoners and the fire was a track with a parapet built around it.” “Now behind this parapet imagine persons carrying along various artificial objects.” So some of the prisoners would recognize as reality nothing but the shadows of those objects.
But one day, one lucky prisoner was released from the chains and got the chance of going outside the cave, seeing thing that he never came across. At first, he must not get used to the dazzling sunlight, but he knew there is the sun by using the reflection of the water. At last, he understood that everything exists due to the creation of the sun. It is the sun who created the world.
Unbelievably, he returned to the cave and told the things he saw at outside.
This is the story.
What you have seen through the story?

why did Plato use a cave? In fact, the cave is the “sense of sight” and the dire-light within it to the power of the Sun. “The ascent to see the things in the upper world you may take as standing for the upward journey into the religion of the intelligible.”
His believe that the world revealed by our sense is not the real world but a poor copy of it and that the real world can only be apprehended intellectually.
Knowledge can not be transferred from teacher to student, but rather that the education consists in directing students’ minds towards what is real and important.
Finally he draws a conclusion that the rulers who should rule over the country should be one that well-educated and know the truth. He can judge things by his wisdom which he gains from the method of philosophy. So the ruler is just like a philosopher.
Several sentences remain very deep impression on me after the 1st lesson: it is very hard to explain the term:Europe by a conventional way and Europe is a more mental activity and process than a physical area in geographical view. What’s more, Europe is a work that is still on going.
Europe can not be conventionally described. It is a kind of combination of diversity and unity and it is quite surprise that such a philosophical concept can exist both in history and modern day.
What’s the diversity of Europe? Although it is the fact that Europe is a kind of mental work, some diversity do exist in this geographically considered subcontinent, the westernmost part of Eurasia. First of all, the very different natural environment gives different features of this subcontinent. It has various climates, different geographical construes and so on. All these provide a perfect condition for the birth of distinctive sub-civilizations.
Second, the difference of ethnic also gives Europe a very interesting looking. Because of the unique position of Europe: to the east, it is widely open to Asia, so, large number of migrations occurred in history, provides the chance of large population integration. Therefore, the origin of European is from Asia. What’s more, the migrations inside Europe was and in taking place. So, it is very stupid to consider European as a whole race.
Culturally and historically, although it is undeniable that a number of historical events do post great influence on Europe, which gives Europeans something in common, some varieties also exist in Europe. For instance, every country has its own development of history and each country has its own distinctive culture and custom. Due to these sub-civilizations Europeans carry and keep in a long period, they were hostile to each other, but also because of these diversity, Europeans tended to be united.
Throughout the history, the entire Europe witnessed multiple historical events which had great influence on Europeans and led them to a level that something in common in their mind and in the ways of doing things. From the time of Greece to Rome Empire then the age of Christianity, the medieval Europe, the renaissance, the concepts of liberty, democracy, the common shared religion, the way of thinking, all these valuable heritages have been inherited by Europeans. This is the unity of all Europeans. Based on this common shared history, Europeans are now building something will bring them more united—European Union. Economically, a free market is protected and shared by Europeans, and politically, democracy, humanism, and liberty are guaranteed by government. Europeans are on their way to a new way of development.
However, unity should be maintained, it doesn’t mean that diversity have to be thrown away. Europe can not be united in a traditional way, because since the conqueror of Napoleon, Europeans have learnt from the failures of different attempts which all tried to unite Europe as a whole. Diversity is the strength is Europe. And Europeans want to remain diverse but also at some level, united.