Temporary Close of this Blog

After some considerations I decided to close this Blog.
Since I have two blogs and every time I have to copy twice to make those two blogs look the smae. It is really boring.
And my friends are all visiting my Blogbus one, so for those who are reading my Blogger, please turn to my BlogBus one.
Thank you very much.

My BlogBus blog

to Remember the Last Exam

Some pics I made during my study of EURO.
Now it ended. And I can move on to next step, packing!!






要不然我還不知道我的Summer course居然沒有record!


選擇summer course。




說我的summer course居然沒有Anmeldung!!


本來想着去催一下大學我的sommer course的Bestaetigung,



It should be a normal day,
but it was not.

I got up at 12:00,
playing with computer for a while
and got back to my exams.
I felt a slightly trace of hunger at 2:30pm.
I can remember this point of time very clearly,
becuase it was the time for afternoon tea.

So I went downstairs,
and was considering what to eat for my tea time.
But who can imagine that
at the same time
while I was considering my food
earthquake struck my country.
Super big one!

It is funny that
today is Buhhda's birthday,
it should be a day of loving,
but it truned our to be a day of sadness, death, tear and homeless.






但是,她卻穿越時間,穿越阻隔,來到我們的面前。我們驚奇,我們讚嘆,我們着迷。 千千萬萬的人之為一睹她的容顔,擠滿了整個博物館。1年以前,我就曾經站在她的對面,深深駐足,看着,望着,想着。。。她的平靜,她的安詳,她的凝望,讓我深深的着迷。

儅人們追溯她的歷史時,發現她的不平凡,獨一無二。她曾經擁有多麽不平凡的一生阿。她不光擁有傲世的美貌, 也擁有驚人的能力。嫁給法老,掀起革命,建造城市,樹立雕像,她是一位神。她相信自己可以成爲神,代替所有埃及的眾神,她傾覆了一個國家的力量,來打成這個願望。



continue depress

finished my German test.
Difficult I want to say.
and it was very difficult.

I even don't have the energy to talk after the exam.
a horrible experience.







check Gmail, check MSN,



Chinese,Please Think before Act!

Chinese, please please think before act, please be rational!
All the way alone the Torch Relay, I have seen the flood of our national Flag, not Olympic Flag!!
Loving country is right, but do you think carrying a National Flag would be helpful?!


【明報專訊】且讓我們平心靜氣地問一個很簡單的問題﹕經過一圈奧運火炬的傳送歷程之後,中國的形象 是變得更好?還是更差了呢?如果答案是後者的話,責任又該歸於誰呢?無論火炬傳到那裏,示威就走到那裏,而批評中國的聲音也必定隨後出現在該地的媒體之 上;莫非這都是其他人的錯,莫非全世界都要和中國作對了嗎(朝鮮除外,因此內地有一些網民稱讚朝鮮,覺得始終是金正日夠朋友。照此看來,我們還是全面學習 朝鮮比較好,起碼社會很「和諧」)?

在一片對外的抗議聲浪之中,是不是也該冷靜問問自己到底出了什麼毛病呢(包括技術上的錯誤)?就以海外華僑和留學生的愛國行動來說吧,假如他們舉的不是五星紅旗,而是奧運的五環旗,情會不會有所不同呢?假如淹沒日本長野與韓國首 爾的不是一片紅海,而是一片象徵奧運的白色旗陣,當你說起「運動歸運動,政治歸政治」的辯解時,會不會更理直氣壯一些呢?很可惜,我們知道最後的局面並非 如此。那是因為大家都抱了一種「以我為主」的思考方式,覺得只要自覺有理,則做什麼事就都是對的,我愛國就當然要舉國旗了。


且 以首爾街頭發生的暴力衝突為例,就算內地各個針對外國傳媒的網站糾出了再多的問題,發現了再多的造假嫌疑,中國留學生在韓國首都打韓國人(包括記者)的事 實始終是人所共見,不容否認的。將心比心,若是一群韓國人在北京對覑中國人公開上演全武行,然後辯稱是對方先動的手,大部分中國人會不會覺得這只是枝微末 節的狡辯呢?在這種情底下,外交部發言人竟然還說得出學生們的愛國熱情值得肯定之類的話。只要你愛國,就算「情緒稍為激動」地在人家的土地上揍了人家的 國民,你畢竟還是愛國的。那些動手動腳的留學生有沒有想過,就算受到別人再多的挑撥,只要你忍不住使用了暴力,你就證明了「中國人全是暴徒」的說法,難道 就不能換個角度考慮自己的行動嗎?



首 先是特區政府向全世界表明,香港或許是個對外開放的國際城市,但只要到了事關愛國大是大非的節骨眼上,什麼言論自由集會自由就都要讓路了。不只來過香港好 幾次的藝術家這時候進不來,就連只不過來參加座談會的作家都不准入境。這些動作對許多香港人來說是寶貴的一課,在愛國大義面前,你平素享有的一切都是可以 暫時懸置的,哪怕它們其實既不顛覆,更不會傷及國家安全。

再來就是那份令人憤怒齒冷的火炬手名單了。奧運火炬抵華首站,我們交出的竟然是如 此陣容!素來與香港奧委會主席霍震霆不和的香港首位亞運會金牌得主車菊紅自然不在其中,「單車王子」洪松蔭也不在裏頭;港人熱愛足球,偏偏我們引以為豪的 球壇名宿胡國雄與李健和等人紛紛失蹤。代表香港的卻是一位來過香港兩次的選美冠軍,老早就在自我宣傳要練跑步的行政會議召集人梁振英,坐輪椅去傳火炬的不是勇奪傷殘奧運會4面金牌的劍擊名將張偉良,而是人大前常委曾憲梓,再加上一堆商界名流和名不見經傳的親中區議員。我真的很想知道,要是有人去搶曾憲梓手中的火把,他會不會譴責人家「把奧運政治化」了。



可 惜沒有。霍震霆竟然認為這份滿佈親中權貴,酬庸氣味濃得中人欲嘔的名單是「香港社會的縮影」。其實他也沒說錯,某程度上,這正是香港社會權力結構的縮影。 我們知道,北京奧運是國家大事,支持京奧就是愛國的表現;而一說到愛國,一說到國家大事,則無論其詮釋權與操辦權都向來不屬於全港700萬人。愛國是某一 圈人的招牌,是某一圈人的專利;和中央溝通等種種國家大事更是他們的禁臠,旁人插手不得。既然奧運是國家大事,傳送火炬是愛國的表現,一向愛國愛港的這圈 人又怎能落於人後呢?

與普通人所想像的不同,這個小圈子不以為傳送聖火是個面向社會面向全民的表演,他們把它看作是個人榮譽,猶如紫荊獎 章;他們更把它當成是種政治身價的寒暑表,可以反映自己在圈子裏的排名與行情。所以一份本來屬於全香港的名單變成了他們自己人的兵家必爭之地,在「以我為 主」的思路蒙蔽下,什麼代表性什麼主流民意全都可以放在一邊涼快去。接下來,最吊詭的情就發生了,本來是要鼓動社會一片紅心向太陽的盛事再次讓一般市民 發現原來愛國是這樣子愛的,所謂「愛國陣營」原來都是這種貨色。除了受到個別上游組織發動的群眾,和聽命於民政事務局的公務員必定要上街歡呼造勢,本來會 不會有更多普通市民願意主動去為這幫人打氣呢?原來也想親身目睹火炬的人,這時會不會怕自己成了黃金池與李澤鉅的fans?原來對火炬不感興趣的人或許會 想為鍾尚志醫生等SARS英雄喊加油(如果他們是火炬手的話),這時會不會坐在家裏冷眼旁觀呢?


from: http://www.mingpaonews.com/20080503/msa.htm

十萬紅衣夾道 百棒聖火樂傳 紅軍圍橙軍起推撞

【明報專訊】經歷近40天的國際奧運聖火接力傳送後,從希臘雅典燃起的聖火昨日終在中國國土首站的 香港順利傳遞,10萬市民走上街頭夾道歡呼吶喊,見證了這歷史一刻;但與此同時,火炬亦燃起「紅橙」怒火,支聯會30名成員及展示「雪山獅子旗」的港大女 生組成的「橙衣兵團」,在尖沙嘴示威敦促中國改善人權時,遭近千名內地學生及迎聖火者等築起的「紅軍」包圍及喝倒采,雙方推撞近一小時,最終由警員介入 「撲火」。

雖然有「兩陣對壘」的小插曲,但6小時的火炬傳送順利完成,聖火已於昨晚傳往下一站澳門。政務司長唐英年總 結說,市民無懼風雨匯聚「紅色海洋」,留下鼓舞人心的一幕,成為香港美好的集體回憶。他說火炬傳送全日順利,雖有抗議活動,但本港是多元化社會,不同聲音 可在和平氣氛下共處。不過,支聯會副主席李卓人說﹕「示威這麼多年,這是多年來最艱辛的一次,幸好華叔(司徒華)沒有隨行。」他表示今次打不還口、罵不還 手,支聯會感激警察保護,希望他人尊重自由言論的權利。




約30 名爭取中國人權的支聯會成員,穿上橙衣於半島酒店門外聚集,並舉起塑膠製「人權聖火」,高呼「同一夢想、同一人權」。此時「紅軍」不甘示弱,同時高唱國歌 及高呼「中國加油!」回敬,以聲浪蓋過示威聲音。另一邊廂,港大女生陳巧文亦在柏麗大道展示「雪山獅子旗」示威,即時被途人責罵包圍,須由警員分隔調停, 最終她未等及火炬經過,便被警員抬上警車送離現場。

火炬手經過彌敦道,支聯會遊行隧伍隨即起動要求沿彌敦道「陪跑」,但沿路數百名「紅軍」 左右夾攻反包圍遊行隧伍,阻止「橙軍」前進,雙方擠在20呎狹窄路面上互相推撞,有內地學生向橙軍大叫「漢奸」、「走狗」及「我愛共產黨!」等口號,橙軍 則反呼「反對共產黨!」,演變成街頭罵戰。後來雙方情緒愈趨激動,謾罵聲及喝倒采聲此起彼落,甚至有紅衣人將手上的國旗擲向橙軍,更有一途人向橙衣示威者 出拳動武,被警員出手阻止。



My Professor

Days ago, I was talking with my rommi about our Professor,
the one hot in our department.
charming, knowledgeable, kind.

My roommi said he has all the qualities to be great Professor,
even in Germany.
I strongly agree with that.

But she also said that he is like a father figure.
I think she made a point.

Yes, sometimes he is like a father,
he arrange everthing for us,
and he wants us to do it.

Rough Day

I had a rough day but fruitful.

Today the Torch would be past though Hong Kong,
start from 10:00 in the morning,
I decided to watch this event,
but I got up too late,
I missed the openning ceremony.
and I lost interest in chasing the Torch,
so instead I watch the TV Live.

And I bought myself finally an insurance with ING,
for my European Year....

Though I have been in Hong Kong for 2 years,
finding some buildings still hard for me.
And this afternoon I acted like a idiot who lost in a big city...

But at last I succeeded in finding the right building,
and a book store in Central,
no one would care for that little book shop.
But I do,
as a result I got my longing book!!





Some Thoughts

I was just talking with my firends in Internet about the political situation in China, because I heard that recently there was a boycott of French supermarket in China, which was invoked by recent international political topics, like Tibet, Olympic games and so on.
2008 is and will be a tough year for China, and the wishes beared by Chinese authority and people would lost.
And I found myself becoming very political too. Usually I will not consider myself as a political animal, but this time simply because of being a Chinese I have to discuss with my friends, classmates and teachers over very political problems, and so far I have several ideas towards recent events.
1, Some European countries have already declared that they are not going to Olympic games in Beijing, and I think their actions are unacceptable! Olympic games as a world heritage should not be used as political tools, in my idea, Olympic games should be a festival for all races, all people in the world, and it should not be connected to any political concerns! But,no.....very dissapointing! In oder to so called "freeing Tibet" some European leaders have rejected this games, some European people even attack the Torch!
2, For those European people, do you even know the history of Tibet?! If don't, please read some books, then express your idea, then you will be welcomed! I donot know what report will be procasted in Europe in everyday life, but I somehow get some feelings that the ideas about China in Euroepan people's minds need to be updated!
3, For my people, it makes total sense that we should love our country, and we should protect our country, but those events going on in China seems to me that they will be very dangerous! It goes on the way of nationalism, and it will be very dangerous that those feeling develop into extreme nationalism, authority should pay attention to those situation, donot forget the lesson of Germany.
4, For those Tibetan extrmelists and Dalai Lama, WHY???!!!


本想在維也納暑假課程之後直接去捷克的布拉格待上一個星期再回去德國上學,預想中的交通流程是這樣的,從維也納坐飛機到布拉格,在從布拉格坐飛機到hannover,因爲聼室友說歐洲的飛機要比火車來的便宜,但是我到網上艘了很久也沒有平價機票,看到正規的航空公司的機票都要上百歐,吃消不起啊。所以我就改想乘坐歐洲一流的eurail pass系列,系列很多,選擇也很多,價格也可以接受,而且是超級四通八達!但是我今天才聽説我作爲一個學生好像買不到票的。。。夢想又破滅了。我想盡辦法也找不到合適的方案,所以只好把布拉格改成匈牙利的布達佩斯,我剛才找了一下平價機票還真被我找到一張,而且價格低到讓我難以置信的程度,從匈牙利的布達佩斯到德國的不來梅只要10歐元!!umglaublig!!所以我就在網上定到了這張機票,起先真的不敢相信,問過室友之後才感確信這不是欺騙。。。好了現在一半的行程已經確定,遲些時候再到奧地利航空公司上面去訂一張機票,現在稍微定貴一點也沒有關係了,哈哈!還有布達佩斯的酒店業一定要便宜!

初步計劃:(not fixed)

Camera with Camera--My NO.1 Baby!

the new photoes of my new camera, I took them with my old camera,haha~~~

what a day!

I have no class today, a exception. So I went to the bank for my scholarship, and now I finally got those money into my account, totally 12000HKD, Great!
I have to admire the skills of those workers in bank, because of their beautiful words, I was convinced to apply a student Visa, luckly I do not have to pay money if I donot use it. It will not be hurt to have a Visa, I know I will never use it.
And during the processing time of my scholarship, I asked for some info about insurance, because I have to present a insurance while applying Visa to europe, God, the worker spent 1 hour talking with me about different insurances, I was so regret!! I used many excuses, trying to get myself out of bank, oh my God!
After the terrible bank experience, I was trying to let myself be happy, so I went to Monk Kok, I wanna see my selected camera, and I asked 3 shops they answered that the camera has been sold out, shit!!Amun-Re blesses me, I finally found it in a photography shop! here is my New Baby!!

  • 18x optical zoom (28-504mm equiv.) - FZ8 has 12x (36-432mm) zoom
  • Smaller maximum aperture at long end of zoom (F4.2 vs F3.1)
  • 8.3 megapixel sensor (vs 7.2 megapixel)
  • Face Detection
  • Intelligent Auto mode
  • Manually selectable ISO 1600
  • ISO 6400 High Sensitivity mode
  • AF/AE lock button and dedicated AF/MF button
  • 1cm macro (was 5cm)
  • Custom mode and extra scene modes (plus 'advanced scene modes')
  • Five level Noise reduction (was three level)
  • Slower continuous shooting (burst)
  • Heavier and slightly larger

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18 specifications

Street Price • US: $360
• UK: £270
Body Material Metal and plastic

1/2.5" Type CCD
• 8.3 million pixels total
• 8.1 million effective pixels

Image sizes • 3264 x 2448
• 2560 x 1920
• 2048 x 1536
• 1600 x 1200
• 1280 x 960
• 640 x 480
• 3264 x 2176 (3:2)
• 2560 x 1712 (3:2)
• 2048 x 1360 (3:2)
• 3264 x 1840 (16:9)
• 2560 x 1440 (16:9)
• 1920 x 1080 (16:9)
Movie clips • 640 x 480 @ 30 / 10fps
• 320 x 240 @ 30 / 10fps
• 848 x 480 @ 30 / 10fps (16:9)
File formats • JPEG Exif v2.2
• QuickTime Motion JPEG
Lens • 18x optical zoom
• 28 - 504 mm (35 mm equiv)
• F2.8 - F4.2
Image stabilization MEGA O.I.S. (Mode1 / Mode2)
Conversion lenses Yes
Digital zoom up to 4x
Focus AF-Macro On/Off, AF/MF Switchable, Manual Focus(Joystick), One Shot AF, Continuous AF On/Off
AF area modes Face / 1-point / 1-point high speed / 3-point high speed / Multi-point / Spot
AF assist lamp Yes
Focus distance • Normal: 30 cm-infinity (wide) 200 cm - infinity (tele)
• Macro: 1 cm-infinity (wide) 200 cm - infinity (tele 6-11x)
• Tele Macro (at 12-18x) : 100cm - infinity
Metering • Intelligent Multiple
• Center-weighted
• Spot
ISO sensitivity • Auto
• ISO 100
• ISO 200
• ISO 400
• ISO 800
• ISO 1250
• ISO 1600
• High Sensitivity mode Auto (ISO 1600 - 6400)
Exposure compensation +/- 2EV in 1/3EV steps
Exposure bracketing +/- 1/3 EV -1EV step, 3 frames
Shutter speed • Program AE: 1-1/2000 sec
• Aperture Priority AE / Shutter Priority AE: 8-1/2000 sec
• Manual: 60-1/2000sec.
• Starry Sky Mode: 15, 30, 60sec
Aperture F2.8 - 8 (wide) F4.8 - 8 (tele)
Modes • Intelligent AUTO
• Program AE
• Aperture Priority AE
• Shutter Priority AE
• Manual
• Custom
• Portrait mode
• Scenery mode
• Sports mode
• Night portrait mode
• Scene
• Motion picture
• Print
• Playback
Scene modes • Food
• Party
• Candle Light
• Sunset
• High Sensitivity
• Baby1
• Baby2
• Pet
• Panning
• Starry Sky
• Fireworks
• Beach
• Snow
• Aerial photo
Advanced scene mode • Portrait mode : Normal, Soft Skin, Outdoor, Indoor, Creative
• Scenery mode : Normal, Nature, Architecture, Creative
• Sports mode : Normal, Outdoor, Indoor, Creative
• Night Portrait : Night Portrait, Night Scenery, Illuminations, Creative
White balance • Auto
• Daylight
• Cloudy
• Shade
• Halogen
• Flash
• White Set 1/2
White balance fine tune 2-axis adjustable, ±9steps each, Blue/Amber and Magenta/Green bias
Self timer 2 or 10sec, 10sec / 3 images
Continuous shooting Full-Resolution: 3 frames/sec or 2 frames/sec max. 7 images (Standard mode), Max. 5 images (Fine Mode)
Image parameters • Contrast
• Sharpness
• Saturation
• Noise Reduction
• 5 levels (-2 to +2)
Flash • Auto
• Auto / Red-eye reduction
• Forced On
• Forced On / Red-eye Reduction
• Slow Sync / Red-eye reduction
• Forced Off
• Flash output adjustment 1/3EV step, +/-2 EV
• Range: 0.3 - 6.0 m (wide) 1.0 - 4.0 m (tele)
Viewfinder 0.44" Color EVF (188K Pixels), Field of View : approx. 100%
LCD monitor • 2.5-inch Polycrystalline TFT
• 207,000 pixels
• Auto Power LCD mode, Power LCD mode, High angle mode
Connectivity • DC in
• AV out
Print compliance PictBridge
Storage • SD / SDHC / MMC
• 27 MB built-in memory
Power • Li-ion battery pack
• Optional AC adapter
Weight (no batt) 360 g (12.7 oz)
Dimensions 117.6 x 75.3 x 88.2 mm (4.6 x 3.0 x 3.5 in)



Dreaming back to Egypt


Generation 45 in Germany

By the end of World War Two, Germany has already become a ruin, not only those physical cities, but also in the mental world of German people. They faced a total destruction: broken cities, shortage of food and labor, homeless people, disarmed industry facilities and especially the haunted past. Confronted with those hard situations, 1945 marked as a new beginning for the Germans-Stunde Null. Everything in the past has been destroyed, then a new one can be built. The old Germany has gone and a new one was about to rise. City after city, people slowly and painstakingly rebuilt their homes. In order to control the inflation, government introduced the currency reform which can be seen as the turning point of German economy. And politically under the strong leadership of Adenaur, Germany re-established democracy, and went out the shadow of political crisis after 1945. Even though, the way Adenaur achieved the goal was somewhat authoritarian, but it was greatly because of Adenaur, Germany could stand equally with her western European countries. Although the Stunde Null labeled as a new beginning, but the past did not disappear, instead it kept haunting the Generation45. Faced the feeling of guilty it would not be easy to just say: ich bin nicht Schuld. The guilt past continually emerged before the Generation that they were unable to confront with it. And the Nurnberg Trail seemingly gave Germans a chance to say: it was them not me that committed those crimes. And the ordinary Germans chose to focus one more practical problem rather to confront with the unbearable past.

1950s Germany experienced the economic miracle. The fast growth of economic power and material goods, allowed Germans to improve their living standards. And the secret behind this miracle was the invention of the Social Market Economy which took the middle road of socialism and capitalism and was aimed to balance the distribution of wealth, increase social welfares and control inflations. The system of collective bargaining and codetermination allowed sides, company and workers, to gain their profits. With the economic miracle taking place, a cultural change also followed. Everyday life and living pattern were greatly influenced by the miracle. A new consume culture was developed. Household was equipped with new electronic devices, wagen become the newly favorite item of people, and fashion motto was: shop until you drop and eat until you drop. For the problem of past, people enjoyed Heimat Film, which created an ideal past, more than confronting with the true past. Also people were keen of making vacations, going out to enjoy different views. At the same time, with the Marshal Plan which was more mentally influential than economical influential, the American cultures poured into Germany. Coco-cola, Micky Mouse, Rock n’Roll, Hollywood…A period of Americanization began which filled in the German cultural blank and also marked a total contrast with the old generation. Young people quickly absorbed those elements and developed their own behavior and worldviews. They tended to be more rebellious and more critical about the old generation. So far, West Germany had changed a lot, they have already get rid of the economic crisis and started a new economic bloom. But beneath the martial world, this generation still could not get rid of the past, they kept silence, but the past was always there. So as the new Generation was in formation, they disagreed with their parental Generation45.

On the other side of wall was East Germany. She was under the total control of communism, and differed very much from West Germany with many aspects, from political, economic to everyday life and culture. Contrasted with its appealing political goals, the reality was totally different with SED’s political claims. The entire society was control by a single political party SED, from economy to single person’s daily life. The Eastern government abolished the free market economy and put the entire economy under the name of nation. There was no private ownership and the goods needed to be distributed. As to people’s life, they always face with food shortage and their private lives were controlled by state and its policeman. People were taught by the party that they have to follow whatever the party said and the party was always right. Life in East Germany was repressive and hard, eventually people rebelled and the society became very unstable.

The Generation45 was formed after the World War Two and faced with a broken past and the urgent desire of a new beginning. And with the division of Germany, East and West went on two different ways, and their people too. Western people with democracy and social market economy experienced great cultural change and gained more material life, but the past kept haunting Western people. In East Germany, with the claim of total break with the past, people were under communism control, and lived a repressive life.


我很少關心國家大事,但是我卻很關心西藏問題。我很喜愛西藏文化,它的獨特,純潔,神秘,虔誠,讓我傾心不已。但是就是這麽一個與世無爭的文化,卻在這個時候上演了這麽一出鬧劇,令人難以置信。“西藏要獨立!”很好!為使麽呢?有人說歷史上西藏就不屬於我們,誰說的? 歷史書說的!但是歷史書是誰寫的呢?歷史書的編撰向來有失公正,就算我再怎麽避免,也是無法做到的。中國人邊的歷史書一定在一定程度上偏向中國人,西方人編撰的一定會以西方的價值觀角度來看待問題。所以說,歷史上西藏就屬於中國這個説法是在很難讓人信服的。在我所讀的歷史書上,西藏與中央的關係一向都是若即若離的,所以不管你政治上怎樣去interpret都是說得通的。我先不管西藏是不是我們的,讓我管道氣憤的是西方的媒體。
我也寫不下去了,反正我想說的是:Tibet, you are part of China!

Several Things to Record

This is a busy week, but up to this point, I have finished all classes in this week. So, I have 4 days off.
This is a meaningful week.
Yesterday, I joint the Hall celebration for a poem reading. It was great. And I have finished all my presentations with my Professor.
Today I finally received my scholarship before many Professors and my classmates. The founders of this scholarship personally gave me the money. Amun-Re helped me again, I donot know how to give it back. Thank you Amun-Re!! And I had launch with some important professors. I had fears, but I managed them well. Just now I ended a small mandarin lesson with my German friend. She wants to go to Taiwan, so I am responsible for the task of teaching her some mandarin.
Things to come: termpapers, presentations, visa problems, finals, many,many to come!!!

"Art of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia"

先說這本書超級政治化的前言,就給人一個差勁的第一印象。一本論述藝術的書籍,竟然需要這麽政治化的前言。我個人認爲,這樣的書的前言因該講述中國學者對藝術的理解,而不是出版這本書的政治意義。文中提到:不少歐美學者編著的世界美術史...受到歐洲中心論和西方中心論的影響,對亞洲特別是中國藝術史的面貌反映的很不充分, 對俄國和東歐藝術也存有偏見,不予介紹或一筆帶過。還有...算啦...不寫這種帶有批判性的文字了。
1,埃及建築中的柱式式樣優美,變化很多,除了個別的特殊式樣之外,常見的有8种式樣:前多利亞式:與希臘多利亞柱式相似,但時間早于希臘,商博良認爲這種樣式是希臘多利亞式的先驅,顧命名為前多利亞式。哈托爾式:柱頭刻有哈托爾神的頭像,柱身為圓彫,刻有一束花莖。這種樣式多見於中王國時期。棕櫚式:模仿棕櫚的一柱式,柱頭有8片棕櫚葉合成的一個圓形,葉的下端饒有5個環帶。柱身特別長,頂端有扁方頂板,下游柱基。蓮花式:柱頭用一束含苞未放的蓮花作爲裝飾,這種蓮花是埃及地方特有的睡蓮。柱身 用4到6根花莖為一束,莖的上部用5條環帶束縛着。這種柱式流行于古王朝第5王朝到新王朝之間。以後逐漸消失。後來的托勒米王朝又有出現。紙莎草式:很接近蓮花式。柱身用16支紙莎草為一束,柱身是含苞待放的紙莎草。這一樣式創立于古王朝的第5王朝時期,盛行于新王朝的阿梅諾菲斯時代。 直到古埃及末期,這個樣式經久不衰。紙莎草變體式:紙莎草式的簡單化。新王朝第19王朝以後才出現。主體全身完全模仿紙莎草式,不過柱身改爲一根莖。柱身表面光滑,飾以象形文字和圖形。比例粗壯,敦實厚重使這一樣式的特點。開花的紙莎草式:柱頭是盛開的紙莎草花, 柱頭的下端有三角形裝飾。混合式:創立于較晚的托勒米王朝。柱頭像是許多紙莎草花束在一起,極爲華麗。
2,中王國時期的經濟,文化繁榮,但社會關係顯然比古王國要複雜得多。在經歷了幾百年動亂之後,人們不再相信有永恒的社會秩序,不再相信天下獨尊的法老地位不可動搖。在古王國只有法老被指定為神, 而臣民的來世也依靠他的恩惠。 而在中王國,州的統治者也享有神的權利,這種權利進一步放鬆,甚至連葬禮的祭司也可享受神的禮遇。 神權的鬆懈反映在藝術上,是不再有古王國時代卓越宏偉的建築和雕像。法老的陵墓也沒有過去那樣高大堂皇, 大多是塼砌的小型金字塔,只是表面上包一層石灰岩,相反, 貴族們的墳墓其華麗程度似可與國王陵墓相媲美。
3,(阿肯那頓)的臉部是沉思的,十分精致的甚至是病態的容貌,具有令人不安的神祕感。 對於這一點,它比早期和晚期的埃及法老那毫無表情,呆板的假面具更富有感染力,埃及法老的面具總是充滿着宗教氣息, 於世俗世界是遠離隔絕的。...阿肯那頓的雕像,表現了他作爲一個改革傢的面容:臉部清瘦,嘴的綫條柔和,眼神裏流露出夢幻般的迷離,表現出一種沉湎于冥思苦想的哲學家的精神氣質和神經質,顯示出一個激進改革傢的急躁和狂熱的性格。
4,奈菲爾提提雕像:從她的典雅姿態中散發出理想主義的美和寫實主義的氣息。她高傲的台着頭,低垂着眼簾, 肉色皮膚繪飾得柔軟而平滑。這件肖像傑作具有完美的形式感和韻律美,高高升起的皇冠和細長的頭頸構成優美的綫條,微揚的頭部和專著的眼神仿佛表現皇后剛巧停頓一下,注視着什麽。



Zingaro中文名字:星燿馬術奇藝坊。西班牙語和意大利語意為“吉普賽人”。奇藝坊成立于1984,創辦人是一位名叫Bartabas的愛駒之人,同時他自身又是一位傑出的藝術家。劇團在他的帶領之下,聞名世界。而Bartabas卻始終保持着神秘,沒有人知道他的出生地,甚至他的真名也不爲人所治。 不過他對藝術的追求和對馬匹的熱愛卻是極其熱切的。他旗下的演員,騎士,馬匹都是百裏挑一,不過我最敬佩的是他對馬匹的挑選。他對馬匹的血統要求不高,但是他會觀察馬的靈性, 捉摸馬的脾氣,好似對待人一樣。

事過這麽多年,突然在網上又看到了這個名詞, 而且全是讚美之詞,在記憶和好奇心的驅使下我決定去觀看。今天終于等到了。這次的Zingaro為香港觀衆特別排演了一處新劇:Battuta。這個詞來源於羅馬尼亞語,吉普賽語和法語,指的是傳統吉普賽音樂中起支配作用的節奏拍子和狂野的表達方式。事實上整個作品表現了吉普賽人的古老遊牧文化,狂野,自由,熱情,奔放,原始。只是節目開始的短短幾分鈡,精神和心情已經被作品支配。 Things were about to go wild!整個節目精彩紛呈,騎士的力量和技術,演員的滑稽和投入,音樂的熱情和跳躍,我的心慢慢的步向狂野和自由。作品中還參雜了很多元素:孤獨的新娘,可愛的棕熊,吉普賽人的生活...笑料百出。但是我喜愛的部分是馬。我最愛馬!



Yesterday I finished my second presentation. It went very well and smooth. Actually I thought that I would have no need to present in yesterday's class, but Prof said that we are running out of time, we have to hurry up, so we had 30 more minutes of class. I had little preparation, but any way, haha~~~
In the presentation my task was to make clear of topic of man in Germany 70s, facing the clture change, and men too were in a hard place. By introducing a film called Maenner, a comedy, directed by a female director. I tried to explain that why were men actually more inseure, more vulnerable than women at that time.
I really enjoy the class!

I am Going to Uni Goettingen!

Since I have heard from my prof that I am going to Uni Goettingen, I have been keen to get to know the Uni before I go there.
Uni Goettingen is a very big Uni, the size I mean, in Germany, 27000 students. And Goettingen is also a university town with culture and scholars. It is an old Uni which was found in 1737. So far hundreds of years, hehe~~~~I like old Uni! The most exciting thing is that Goettingen has one of the largest liberary in Germany, that means I can read a lot, as long as I am not afraid of German.
I was looking for WGs, but it seems very expensive for me to rent, maybe I just stay in Studentenheim...Compromise....

Presentation1 Willy Brandt+RAF

My first presentation was finally over. I talked amost an hour on stage, I was not neverous, this was good. Prof. and students asked in total 4 questions, I managed to answer them all. And the notes I prepared for emerging case: forgeting words on stage, were totally useless. Haha~~

die bleierne Zeit

Der Film “die bleierne Zeit“ beschriet eine Geschichte über zwei Schwestern, die die beide zur Generation68 gehörten. Die ältere Schwester war Juliane. Sie arbeitete als eine Journalistin für ein feministisches Magazin. Die andere Schwester, die Marianne heißt, war eine Terroristin. Sie gehörte zur die Organisation RAF.

Die Zeit gegen 1968 war sehr stark und schwer wegen verschidenen Konflikte, Vietnam Krieg, Große Koalition zwischen SPD und CUD, kalter Krieg zwischen Kommunismus und Kapitalismus. Gleichzeitig hat eine neue Kulture innerhalb der Jugend entwirklt. Obwohl frueher die Studierenden keine Lust fuer die Politik hatten, langsam fanden sie, dass es nicht nur in der Politik konservative Ideologien gab, sondern auch in der ganzen Welt. Die Jugend kritisirten alles, von der deutsche Regierung, der alte Generation, zur weltweiten Politik. Die neue Generation68 wollte eine Welt, die die Jugend getraumt haben. Sie moechten die alte Welt veraendern. Deshalb hatte damals zwei unterschiedliche Ideologien, eine war Reform, die andere war Gewalt, die so genannt Terrorismus.

Jetzt begin der Film. Juliana repräsentierte die Ideologie Reform, Marianna repräsentierte natuerlich die Terrorismus. Zwar die beide wollten eine bessere Gesellschaft, aber sie verachteten sich ueber die Wege, die die selbst gewaehlen haben. So in dem ganzen Film existierte der Konflikt immer. Aber ich interessiere mich besonders fuer die grosse Veraenderung der Schwestern,von der Kindheit zu dem Erwachsensein. Was laesst die beide veraendern? Das ist aber eine schwierge Frage.

Als die Schwestern klein waren, sie lebten in einer autoritären Familie, in der ihrer Vater die Macht war. Sie mussten alles was ihrer Vater sagte machen. Aber Juliana war damal ziemlich rebellisch. Sie zog black jeans, rauchte. Ihre Frisur war sowie eine hippie. Sie machte alles gegen die Tradition. Im Vergleich zu Juiana war Marianne ein Kontrast. Sie war suess, gehorsam. Interessant ist dass, wenn sie groesser wurden, war Marianna ganz rebellisch. Ich glaube, die Weltanschauung wird in der kindkeit entdenkt. Als Marianna ein Kind war, war die Atmosphaere in der Familie sehr repressive und autoritaer, aber als die Zeit verging, Marianne hat gesehen, dass die Gesellschaft nichts aendert hat. Die grosse Koalition, der Krieg... Deshalb hat sie im Film gesagt: Gedanken aendern nichts! Nur die Gewalt laesst die Gesellschaft und auch den Gedanken veraendern, sMarianne glaubte.

Der Film ist schwer zu verstehen, aber Bravo!









但是結果卻是看了一出青春電影:what girl wants。




從來沒有這麽用力地去看一部喜劇,3遍阿,Hess,傻子一樣的試圖找出戲劇裏面的深層含義, 放在歷史背景下面找,我找遍了整個圖書館,以及網上的eBook 和eJournal...只爲了星期二的presentation 更加厚實一點。每個星期一個presentation,連續4個星期,我是找資料找的心力憔悴,看書倒還不算什麽,最可惡的就是什麽資料也找不到,德文好 久沒有用,上課的時候嘴巴都張不開,感覺有好多點的生疏阿。



Daily Quatsch

Several things to report.

1, Prof. Hess finally gave his answer to my exchange year in Germany. I will go to Goettingen University for a one-year-exchange programme. And I am able to join the Egyptology department. Ha!~~~

2, I received a schloarship of 1000Euro for my study in Germany. That is great!

3, I have to speak more in class, I feel that since the beginning of this semester, I havn't talked enough. Prof.Hess's class I am still talking, but ohters, especially in German class. Yeah...maybe the class is boring or something, maybe I am too lazy to answer. I am ya...just donot interested in German class which teaches us how to do in a campany or how many divisios in industry bussiness....

terror movies

After seeing so many terror movies, I feel that I am ready to make a short summary for both Amerian terrors and Asian terrors.

Amerian Terror:

examples: Resident Evil, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saw, Dead Silence, House of Wax,the Silence of the Lambs, Final Destination...

Keyword: Blood, Killing, Disremember, Monster, Fire, Zombies, Vampires...

It seems that Amerian terrors are using bloody death or sick characters to attrack people.

Asian Terror:

examples: Ju on the Grudge, Ring, Yeogo goedam, Hidden Floor, many many more....terror movies are famous in Japan, Korea, and HK...

Keywords: Hair, Corpse, White colth,Floor, Bathroon, Night, Sound, Shadow, Eyes, Hospital, Female ghost, Old lady, Graveyard...



Daily Quatsch

Well, time goes, I live, I say, I think, I sleep, I walk, I see, I do!

1, Coming 5 big presentations about Europe, about the so called Generation 68, continually for 4 weeks. Super presentation!

2, Japanese Consulate deutlich turned me down, well, shit! Quatsch: I can get a Visa in HK unless I have the permission from central government. Who else can I get help from, Wu Jingtao or Wen Jiabao??

Legally Blonde

Started from yesterday, continually has been watching for two days, except being cut by classes. Anyway, finished!
It was a simple, nice story. A baby-looking girl tried her best to prove that her beauty was all she has, but also intelligence, by being admitted into Havard law school. And she did quite a nice job in law studying. Although her boyfriend told her that he had to be with someone smart and good. By smart and good he meant someone who can be admitted by Havard law school and have an outstanding family background. Obviously she had give her boyfirend a good laugh.
P.s. her boyfriend has the narrowst definition of being good!
But is I were this girl, probably I won't do the same, except that I would also want to improve that I am too can be excellent. But I will use another way.To improve some thing does not mean that I have to choose a subject which I do not like. I am sure that this blond girl does not like law at all at the beginning.

.....I am too sleepy now, brain power runs out...switch back to Chinese...

劇中主角個性十足,突兀的存在于一群哈佛書蟲當中。獨到的行爲方式,個性的待人接物,使她不久便受學生教授喜愛。同時加上她優異的學習成績,她有資格be cool。
在她的畢業典禮上,她說的一段話真是truely precious。Life needs passion!生活中儅有激情,做事也需要,但是激情並不是瘋狂與浮躁。智者有激情,俗人有的只是自以爲是的假激情。

IL DIVO-Classic Gentlemen!

I didnot know that they are called IL DIVO until one small accident.
One day I was in Internet, searching some pics, and bang! I saw them, and I can clearly recall one image which was printed in my head very deep.
I donot know which world cup it was, but I knew the song was sang by four incredible handsome gentlemen. I remember the first time I saw them on TV, they were walking in the football field in the night, wearing suit, bright white lights made the football stadium like a large stage, then they sang. I was immediately attracted by them and was conquered. They were so...... charming and classic!

Now I know that not only are they handsome, but also excellent singers! Everytime I saw them on the stage, singing...Oh..My Amun-Re...killing me...Why are they so deadly charming?! I think I ama kind of person who likes classic gentleman...
Love them!!


I was writing an application of a scholarship. The donators need one article which can convince them to give the money. I am really afraid and sick of writing those knids of article. You have to come about really good reasons and sometimes this article will turn into a self-propaganda, making some plans or oath which who knows will come true or not...
And I again have to do...
I have a dream, many times it has helped me. Now I have to present it once more.
This dream I am not even confident...
some people say: dare to dream. Right!


Back to HK again.
How many times already?
I donot know.
Seems that I have already been used to those leaving.
When I was little,
from home to school, from school to home,
from village to city, from city to village,
from Huzhou to Hong Kong, from Hong Kong to Huzhou,

maybe later...
from Germany to Hong Kong, from Hong Kong to Germany...
Life is like a journey,
the destination is the same,
but the beauty alone the road is different.
And seize the day, making it extraordinary!

The result of my Zertifikat Deutsch came out, I was the best.
I was happy but the joy dissapeared quickly.
It was the past...

For You, Thousands of Times

Finally I got this book. At first I was not quite willingly to pay 100HKD for a novel, after reading commends on Douban, I was convinced.
I spent one day after my exam reading this book. It is really an excellent book, touching...




A snap right after my Zertifikat Deutsch in Wan Cai.
It was a cold day, and we had our test from 10:00am to 6:00pm.
It was a long time, and also a hard time.
Preparation for my German year.
I have decided to choose Goettingen as my one year exchange University.
But one of my classmate wants the same. All right.
Now she won't even talk to me, as a stranger.
What a friendship!
Things do not change, but we change...
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I Had Dinner with My Professor

Days ago, I heard my friends who are under the mentorship ( I am under the mentorship of a another teacher)of the hotest professor were talking, that they would have dinner with Prof. I thought, Okay, they would have something to do.
But one day, one of them told me that I was asked by Prof to go with them. Immediately I was surprised to hear the news, why? It is a mentorship activity, it has nothing to do with me, why ask me? Later I was offered more info that we would have dinner at a Egyptian restaurant. Then I thought, oh well, it makes sense now that once I told Prof that I love Egypt, clearly he didnot forget. I felt warm.

And today I had my dinner with him. The restaurant is very Egyptian feel or Middle East feel. Dim lights with Islamic decrorations, Egyptian posts and old Egyptian films.
Before the dinner we worried that Prof was going to talk to us about the third year in Germany, how he have decided to put us. I told him that I wanna go Goettingen but one classmate has the same choice...It is all up to Prof to decide.
During the dinner we 5 all ordered beer called Sakara from Egypt. But the aitress came up and told us that that was only one bottle left in storage. Surprisingly Prof said that I should get this bootle of beer. What should I say, nur Danke! How should I read it, as a sign of letting me going to Goettingen or just because of my love to Egypt? And I was touched and...After that we chated for 4 hours, from moive to German people, life in Germany, food all around the world...everything, and it was very interesting, and Prof's personal charm was proved again.
Finally we came to the problem of third year, Prof said that Goettingen uni is very excellent and students there are all regarded themselves very intelligent and try to prove to Prof and make impression. It will be very challenging to go there, besides that, the living envirnment is quite good. Whe Prof was talking he looked at me and finally he toasted with me. I donot how to read the sign, but other friends all agreed that Prof has said Yes...Who knows?
I finished the beer, a whole bottle...we left at around 22:00. I wanna sleep...

My New Buddy on My Desk

Got it from my friend.
New home on my desk,
make me happy when I see this little buddy.