
Two more days to go, I can finally go home, but honestly, I have a lot of things left here in Hong Kong.
On Moday, I made my first German call after my 6 months German learning. That morning, I suddenly had an idea of making a call directly to DAAD in Germany, after my German classes, I got back to my resident. But I found my nervous about this call, and I can't tell why exactly why I was so nervous, maybe because it would be a foreign call, or maybe, it would be a call of any unknown situation. Finally, I called, and the call was picked up, I asked: can you speak English? What I heard next was quite unexpected, she told me that she can not speak English, I must use German to communicate with her. Immediately my brain stopped working, turning blank, maybe next I was in a turn-on model, I started to speak German, but I had no idea what I was taliking about. I said: Ich bin eine Studentin von Hong Kong, and she said Oh! Following conversation continued...I guessed that she understood what I was talking and luckily I got my info. I was accepted by my first choice but they could not give me all the info about the couse because they were recently busy about application from different places.They even could not promise me to give info next month.
I was excited and pleased, because I had the courage to ask, and thanks to this I can move on to plan my summer. I decided to go back home at first and wait for the info. Then I will go back to HK to do the Visa, if it is early I will again go back home and leave until the day before I will take off for my couse.
Just now I heard a great news that another Ancient Egyptian tomb was discovered by a Belgian team. For more info please click

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