Harvests I got

Great day, three great harvests I got today. I finished reading the book called: Chronicle of the Queens of Egypt.
Here is my review of this book, and posted in Douban:
Seldom has a book introduced the queens in Ancient Egypt, but this book did, and did quite well. Most of people who interested in Pharaohs, because they are more visible and prominent in the development of Egyptian history, but infact, the term of Kingship in ancient Egypt contains the term of Queenship, in another words, queens are vital for the living of Kingship. A Pharaoh can not rule without a queen. Although from the very early time of ancient Egypt to the end of its Pharaonic history, queens are always overshadowed by their husbands, history leaves us quite a amount of info about queens in ancient Egypt, thanks to those, Egyptologists can reconstruct their roles and changes in the history.
This book begins explaining the role of women of ancient Egypt. Indeed, no matter how high the position of queen is, she is at first a women, a wife of a special man and phehaps mother of the royal child. From the myth of Isis and Osiris, queens have already been assigned of a role which is very complex and difficult. Like Isis, the faithful wife of Osris, the consort must firstly perform a role of supportive wife. If possible, she have also perform the mother of the next king. Then she will be assigned the role of the consort, in charge of harem. When the king is in battle, she have to carry the burden of kingly office, running the country, avoiding the chaos.
After the explanation, it lists nearly most of the queens in the history and gives detailed or general introductions. Easliy we can see the clear development of queenship from beginning of dynasty to the end. Great names leaves deep impressions on me, like Sobekneferu, Tiy, Nefertiti, Ahmose-Nefertari, Nefetari, Hatshepusut and so on.

It is a very enjoyable process of reading this book. I felt that nearly every introduced herself to me, her husband, her children, her role. Anyway, great book.
The second harvest is that I received a munber of Hidu and Arabian musics, and I love them so much. Thank You, Amun-Re!
The last harvest id I received my books odered in Dangdang, a list:
1 永恒的轮回 印度神话 .

2 印度艺术简史

3 印度神话

4 摩诃婆罗多的故事

5 幽黯国度:记忆与现实交错的印度之旅——文化生活译丛

6 罗摩衍那——世界英雄史诗译丛

7 图解西藏生死书

8 美索不达米亚:强有力的国王

9 安纳托利亚:文化繁盛之地

10 苏美尔:伊甸园的城市

11 竹取物语图典——日本古典名著图读书系

12 爱琴海:沿岸的奇异王国

13 枕草子图典/日本古典名著图读书系

14 女巫:撒旦的情人

15 释迦牟尼的故事(插图珍藏本)——发现世界系列丛书

16 失落的文明:古印度

17 古印度:神秘的土地

18 佛地梵天:印度宗教文明——宗教与文明

19 摩诃婆罗多:毗湿摩篇

20 韦伯作品集X:印度的宗教,印度教与佛教

21 巴洛克建筑风格

22 世界英雄史诗译丛:吉尔伽美什

23 东方的文明 上下

24 探索·古希腊

25 以色列2000年:民族和地域的历史

26 信仰时代——伟大时代

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