Trip Around the World--Hong Kong

Look at this picture, it is the Hong Kong's sunset. One day, I saw this beauty from my window, and I quictly took it.
Carefully feel it, I can taste the peace at that moment, this city was about to sleep. But Hong Kong will never sleep. It was about to open up a paradise for people who desire a exciting life.
Several years ago, when you asked me about this pic, I will definitely be attracted, because I do not know much about HK, now I will say: Oh just so so.
To be honest, I never dreamed of coming to HK and study, maybe it was asked by Kemet Gods, I believe so. And I was starting to understand HK, its place, its people, maybe not all aspects, but I am sure there are many aspects that I have come across. I realized that there was only one pic I can take and this is the one above. Everytime when I am watching TV and the sight I can see about HK is just taken from the bay, the difference is whether you take this pic day or night. So when I begin to look other pics from different places of HK, not only the crowded streets but also small one that neglected by people. I figure out that HK is normal.
Yes, some one will say that when you do not know this place and you will be attracted by its appearance, however, once you live there, you will know a lot about its inside.
As a traveller, HK will never be the place I dream of.

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