
無意中發現了一個資助西部兒童的網站,他們主要是發動人們為西部的小學生捐款,幫助他們的日常生活費用。我看了真的好感動,很久以前就一直想着為那些可愛的孩子做點什麽,即使自己“沒有錢”,但是我shopping一次的花費已經就足夠他們一個學期的生活花銷了。“沒有錢”絕對不是理由。只要我少花一點錢就可以,就可以的!看着他們,想到平時自己的自怨自艾是多麽的可笑,我有什麽條件,有什麽資格來抱怨,難道Amun-Re給的我還不多嗎?父母寵愛的還不夠嗎?學習條件還不夠好嗎?旅遊的還不夠多嗎?衣服還不夠穿嗎?說我是個“不知天下之苦”是絕對不過分的!我也覺得應該好好地do something to myself了,要好好反省一下啊!!!

Just Looking at their pure and beautiful smiles, like angels, no, they are angels. I have made up my dicision, I wanna a child from them, I will help one of them to continue his or her study. Yes! I wanna do it, although I am not making any money right now, but I can just shop less, and squeeze some of them out. Because I wanna see their smiles, it is much better than one new clothing!

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