The Lost Tomb of Jesus

from Douban.Com:
这部纪录片以及新书讲述的故事发生在1980年,当时一群建筑工人在南耶路撒冷附近地区挖地基时,发现一处两千年前的洞穴及坟墓。坟墓中有10个骨头盒, 其中5个盒子上所记下的名字与《新约》中的关键人物有关,其中一副棺木刻有“犹大,耶稣之子”的字样。后来,这些骸骨经过DNA对比检测,被确认它们之间 没有血缘关系,但科学家们却据此推测其中有可能包括耶稣的妻子。他们还推断耶稣结过婚,妻子是抹大拉的玛利亚,两人还诞下了一名儿子,取名犹大,两母子死 后都是同样葬在那个墓穴内。影片中提出两大问题:第一,该遗物(骨头)是否可靠?确实是属于耶稣的尸骨吗?第二,如果这骨头果然是属于耶稣的,它会不会打 破基督教神学的宣称,耶稣是从死里复活的信仰呢?

I just finished this documentary.
Years ago, from a rediscovery of a tomb in Jerusalem revealed something extraordinary. One of 5 sarcophagi covered the name of " Jesus, the son of Joseph". Some scholars assumed that this maybe the discovery of the real Jesus in history. But some scholars remained very suspicious about this assumption. They argued that Jesus was a very common name in ancient times, so they denied the possibility that the bones in that sarcophagus were the remainings from Jesus.
I am not going to argue whether or not those bones were really Jesus' or not, but all I wanna say is that sometimes I think those so called scholars are "dumm", they always think about things within the framework.Personally I feel that history needs sometimes imagination. Those scholars can not even admit the teeny tiny possibility that they did find the Jesus. Anyway I think an important part which scholars should work on is to have more courages.

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