Angel Voice-St. Philip's Boys Choir

类发明的所有乐器中,没有一种比得过大自然的原音,那就是上天赐给我们的礼物-人类的歌声,特别是由圣洁的少年们所唱出来的,更显得分外的美好。而无论 是宏伟庄严的大教堂,或是教区纯朴的小教堂,英国的少年唱诗班素质之整齐一向是举世闻名的。在这些唱诗班中,又以南伦敦圣菲力教区内的男童所组成的「圣菲 力少年合唱团」最为出色,他们多才多艺,充满了热情,以天使般的歌声享誉国际多年,把他们对信仰的歌颂,以及欢乐与希望的讯息传遍了全世界。
「圣菲力少年合唱团」不仅在每周日晚间跟亚伦提区马许一起合作一系列的电视节目,「Blue Peter」节目中演唱,甚至在「Top of the Pops」节目中演出,而拥有两支打进排行榜的畅销单曲。他们的前两张专辑《天使之音I》及《天使之音II》系列,融合了宗教赞美诗和流行名曲,为他们建 立了极高的知名度,还经常应邀参加许多节目的演唱,不论是演唱技巧或录音水准,皆堪称一流之作,在世界各地的唱片市场获得极佳的销售量,被乐迷誉为天碟。 在万千乐迷的期盼下,推出系列的第三集。
本张专辑仍安排了二十首歌曲,有传统的耶诞颂歌,也有历年来最受欢迎的应景歌曲,其中英国作曲家霍华布莱克为著名的卡通短片《雪人》所谱写的主题曲〈漫步 在空中〉,原曲曾在一九八二年夺得英国排行榜冠军。这张专辑的其它歌曲还有〈玛莉的男孩〉、〈当圣婴降生〉、〈救主之日〉和〈槲寄生与酒〉等歌曲也同样曾 夺得排行榜冠军。不过若要谈到知名度,专辑中另外两首堪称不朽歌曲〈圣诞之歌〉及〈银色圣诞〉。前者是由老牌爵士歌手梅尔托梅在一九四五年谱写的,至今听 来温馨依旧。出自电影插曲的〈银色圣诞〉更是有史以来最唱销的歌曲,曾夺得一九四二年奥斯卡金像奖最佳电影配乐殊荣。

James Blunt

Happy Halloween!

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Oh...My God Amun-Re....

Just finished my German-mid-term exam, it wa the worst ever. Maybe I was a little confident before the exam, now i am not, totally!
My lovely Tushar told us that it would be easy test, but his promise turned out be be fake! It was very hard, listening....Okay, but the flollowing was getting worse, grammer, filling the words... Only the grammer part I took 20 minutes to finish, and the filling the words part was my nightmare, I could even hardly undertand half of the words in one big question! Is my German too bad, or was the exam too hard, who can tell!? I had to rush to write my article, and I am sure now that articel is only a trash!
Oh My God!!
If I vcan not get 70% of marks, I will fail in the exam, tomorrow I still have an oral exam of German, wish me luck, God!


無意中發現了一個資助西部兒童的網站,他們主要是發動人們為西部的小學生捐款,幫助他們的日常生活費用。我看了真的好感動,很久以前就一直想着為那些可愛的孩子做點什麽,即使自己“沒有錢”,但是我shopping一次的花費已經就足夠他們一個學期的生活花銷了。“沒有錢”絕對不是理由。只要我少花一點錢就可以,就可以的!看着他們,想到平時自己的自怨自艾是多麽的可笑,我有什麽條件,有什麽資格來抱怨,難道Amun-Re給的我還不多嗎?父母寵愛的還不夠嗎?學習條件還不夠好嗎?旅遊的還不夠多嗎?衣服還不夠穿嗎?說我是個“不知天下之苦”是絕對不過分的!我也覺得應該好好地do something to myself了,要好好反省一下啊!!!

Just Looking at their pure and beautiful smiles, like angels, no, they are angels. I have made up my dicision, I wanna a child from them, I will help one of them to continue his or her study. Yes! I wanna do it, although I am not making any money right now, but I can just shop less, and squeeze some of them out. Because I wanna see their smiles, it is much better than one new clothing!

The Lost Tomb of Jesus

from Douban.Com:
这部纪录片以及新书讲述的故事发生在1980年,当时一群建筑工人在南耶路撒冷附近地区挖地基时,发现一处两千年前的洞穴及坟墓。坟墓中有10个骨头盒, 其中5个盒子上所记下的名字与《新约》中的关键人物有关,其中一副棺木刻有“犹大,耶稣之子”的字样。后来,这些骸骨经过DNA对比检测,被确认它们之间 没有血缘关系,但科学家们却据此推测其中有可能包括耶稣的妻子。他们还推断耶稣结过婚,妻子是抹大拉的玛利亚,两人还诞下了一名儿子,取名犹大,两母子死 后都是同样葬在那个墓穴内。影片中提出两大问题:第一,该遗物(骨头)是否可靠?确实是属于耶稣的尸骨吗?第二,如果这骨头果然是属于耶稣的,它会不会打 破基督教神学的宣称,耶稣是从死里复活的信仰呢?

I just finished this documentary.
Years ago, from a rediscovery of a tomb in Jerusalem revealed something extraordinary. One of 5 sarcophagi covered the name of " Jesus, the son of Joseph". Some scholars assumed that this maybe the discovery of the real Jesus in history. But some scholars remained very suspicious about this assumption. They argued that Jesus was a very common name in ancient times, so they denied the possibility that the bones in that sarcophagus were the remainings from Jesus.
I am not going to argue whether or not those bones were really Jesus' or not, but all I wanna say is that sometimes I think those so called scholars are "dumm", they always think about things within the framework.Personally I feel that history needs sometimes imagination. Those scholars can not even admit the teeny tiny possibility that they did find the Jesus. Anyway I think an important part which scholars should work on is to have more courages.

Remembering Egypt

For you, what is Egypt?

the exotic city view from Cairo, the skirts of the Arabian women, big mustaches from the men,or the mosques?

the unbelievable and unsurpassable beauty of the Nile? or maybe the intensive sunburn....

the wind blow from the hot desert? or maybe an unadorned smile from a local?

the standing of the great Pyramids? or the mysterious smile of the Sphinx?
for me, what is Egypt is a question to which I have no answer...

Waterbone-Orion Prophecy

Orion Prophecy是什么?

Waldo 和 Jones 两人在埃及期间,有一天逛到沙漠里。回头一望,看到金字塔背衬着紫色的暮霭,猎户星座腰带上的三颗钻石在金字塔正上方闪耀。这一景象使他们决定将专辑取名 ‘Orion Prophecy’。Orion Prophecy 源于相信技术先进的Atlantis(亚特兰蒂斯,传说中位于大西洋的岛屿,后沉于海底)文明能利用进步的天文知识推算世界大事。Atlantis毁灭 后,岛上的人逃到埃及和南美洲。他们的后裔,玛雅人和埃及人写到,金星、猎户星和几个其他星球会在2012年运行到同样的“密码位置”,引起重大灾难性事 件,造成世界上大量人口死亡 (猎户星座的预言), 就像当毁灭 Atlantis的大洪水一样。


01. Hymn To Isis 伊希斯(古代埃及司生育的女神)赞歌

02. Vision Of Mati 马蒂的预见

03. Eastern Star 东方之星

04. Keeper Of The Gates Of Mars 火星大门的守门人

05. Sky Gods 天空诸神

06. King Of Cups 杯王

07. Waterchild 水孩子

08. Temple Thorns 庙宇荆棘

09. Book Of Stars 星球之书

10. Between Two Rivers 两河之间

11. Orion 猎户星

Sometimes We Have to Become a Kid

Most people say that fairy tale is always fairy tale, it can be true. Of course, I do not deny this point. But I also see that people tend to be too realistic that they forget how to imagine, how to hope.
I think people born to have a talent of being pure, however, with the time goes by, this gift slowly disappeared. It is sad.
Sometimes I am glad that I am a little "kindlich", the world outside is too complicated, like 1900 said" I did not see an end, but the piano always has an end, 88 keys." World is a complex, we have to face it, but we ahve to keep our nature, follow the heart, and do it right.
Evil is always defeated by justice. Princess always has a prince. Fairy land is walys a paradise...these are not true, yes, but I can make them right in my heart.
在不影响健康的情况下晚睡,在不影响心情的情况下早睡, this is a sentence copied from my Douban group. It tells exactly what I have to do now. I kind have a habit of going to bed late, since I have been in Hong Kong, this habit never change. Everytime, my mom told me to go bed early, it is healthy and city people are too careless about their health. I know, and I tried, failed...
The group also summarized a rule of people who have this habit:
8:00以前 中老年人
8:00-9:00 小屁孩儿,补课学生,新婚少妇……
9:00-11:00 稍有放纵的小青年
11:00以后 极其潇洒的自由主义者,内心深处住着天山童姥
obviously I belong to the later two groups.
What should I do? yeah! Go to bed as early as I can. Bang now is 12:30 in the evening. Saying is always easier than doing.

るろうに剣心-the Man I ...

Kenxin, the man I...and admire the most.


青春,Do U Still Remember?


Film,Books, Musics..Oh My Life!

Great harvest,great harvest...
I received a number of wonderful New Age Musics, like
Instrumental Paradise Volume from Mehdi, Homecoming from Jim Brickman, Erotic Moods from Nusound, Nights from the Alhambra from Loreena McKennitt, they are all great musicians, thanks to their beautiful work!And I am almost done with me book, the Search for Omm Sety, and reading a new one, the Last Empress.
Film, yes, film...
Zodiac, Becoming Jane, solino,The Nativity Story, Alien Vs. Predator, Criminal Minds

My Messed Interview...

I went to an interview today, for a volunteer work in Cambodia this Dec, but seemingly I have messes it up. No way I can still have the chance to go, yeah, I already knew when I walked out the interview room. This was the first failure in all my interviews, a record!
I can blame no one but myself. I really wanna to take part in this work, it is so meaningful. But I did not pay attention to the preparation of interview. I knew I would probably required to use Cantoniese, I did not practice, I was very confident, and I was wondering that I can show myself in the interview. But things go always beyond your expection, the interview was not individual which I am good at, but a group interview. Oh My Amun-Re! I am always be the silent one in all groups, no matter what group. I knew I have changed a lot since I took the German class, now I am not the most silent one, but...After individual introduction there were only 5 minutes left, it did not leave many chances, and I also did bad in my introduction.
No need to need to say...