Big Mistake this Semester

I was just reviewing one of my courses. 4-5chapters took me only half an hour to finish, not because I am good at, but because this course is too easy. I am not being arrogant, I am saying the truth.
At the beginning of this semester, I chose this subject, for it had an interesting name, Culture, People and Landscapes, and I thought that maybe I can learn a lot from this. But I was wrong, disregarding the poor English this lecturer has and many grammar mistakes he made during classes and on the slides, more terrible was that he was uncapable of making lecture attractive. This topic:Culture, People and Landscapes can be very..very interesting, indeed, but he...oh my can I say, I think he did not show any degree of knowledge to convince the students. As a Doctor and a middle-aged teacher he should have a kind of.....en...I should say a kind of personal charm which would make students automaticlly show their respect, but I can not feel...nothing...not even during some personal conversations with him. I think he is too royal to textbooks, I can easily get a good mark by my memories.He wrote "Wonderful" on my mid-term exam paper because I got a full mark, actually EVERONE can if he or she can memorise all his lectures. Once he asked me: is my teaching too difficult for you and students? Immediately I became speechless, I wanted to say: your class is too easy for university students! But I didnot.
Finally his class was over, should I be glad or ne regret?

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