Marie Antoinette

Also Known As:
Production Status:
Biopic of the beautiful Queen of France who became a symbol for the wanton extravagance of the 18th century monarchy.
Drama, Adaptation and Biopic
Running Time:
2 hrs. 3 min.
Release Date:
October 20th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating:
PG-13 for sexual content, partial nudity and innuendo.
Production Co.:
Pricel, American Zoetrope, Tohokushinsha Film Corporation, RK Films
Columbia Pictures
U.S. Box Office:
Filming Locations:
Paris, France
Produced in:
United States

When betrothed to King Louis XVI, the naïve and beautiful, Austrian-born Marie Antoinette enters the opulent French court, which is steeped in conspiracy and scandal. Without guidance, adrift in a dangerous world, the young girl rebels against the isolated atmosphere of Versailles and becomes France's most misunderstood monarch. Stripped of her riches and finery, imprisoned, and ultimately beheaded by her own subjects, the Queen of France became a toxic symbol for the wanton extravagance of the 18th century monarchy that incited to the French Revolution.

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